How to Hire Offshore Salesforce Engineers in 2024

July 22, 2024

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When it comes to building internal Salesforce teams, companies are going global. Offshore Salesforce Engineers are becoming a key part of this strategy. But what does an offshore Salesforce engineer do? And is this approach right for your organization?

There are important questions to consider before deciding. Is your company ready to manage a remote Salesforce team? Do you have the right tools and processes in place? And how will you manage effective communication across different time zones?

In this guide, we'll explore these benefits and share how other companies are successfully hiring offshore Salesforce teams. We will also show you how to hire offshore Salesforce Engineers.

Understanding the Role of Offshore Salesforce Engineers

Offshore Salesforce Engineers are specialists who customize the Salesforce platform, integrate custom systems, and develop Salesforce apps for clients. They use both code and no-code tools to tailor solutions that meet specific business needs.

Growing companies are always looking to scale their Salesforce operations. Hiring locally might limit your choices due to high costs and limited availability. Offshore Salesforce Engineers, on the other hand, offer a wider talent pool at a fraction of the cost. They bring global expertise, often with more flexibility, and can seamlessly integrate with your team using remote collaboration tools.

Key Responsibilities and Skill Sets

Offshore Salesforce Engineers key responsibilities include:

  • Platform Customization: Tailoring Salesforce to meet specific business requirements.
  • System Integration: Connecting Salesforce with other business systems for smooth data flow.
  • App Development: Creating custom apps using both code and no-code solutions.
  • Troubleshooting: Identifying and fixing issues within the Salesforce platform.
  • User Training: Providing training sessions to ensure effective use of Salesforce.
  • Data Management: Ensuring data accuracy and integrity within the Salesforce system.
  • Process Automation: Implementing workflows and automation to improve efficiency.

Benefits of Hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers

Thinking about adopting an offshore Salesforce support strategy for ongoing projects? You have two options. You can partner with an offshore Salesforce development company, which provides a team to work on your projects. Or, you can hire Salesforce Engineers that are independent consultants, giving you more control over team selection, project management and budget.

Here are some key benefits that make offshore Salesforce development attractive for US-based companies.

Expanding your Talent Pool by Hiring Offshore

Why limit yourself to only hiring people who live in the same time zone, country, or city as you? When you hire Salesforce Engineers globally, you have access to a vast array of skilled professionals. Different regions offer unique expertise and perspectives. For example, some countries (such as India) have strong tech education systems and a high number of Salesforce-certified professionals.

By deciding to hire offshore Salesforce Engineers, you immediately increase the pool of talent in the market, which is especially necessary when dealing in a highly competitive market like Salesforce. You are more likely to find higher quality candidates if you are willing to hire Salesforce Engineers based anywhere in the world.

Hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers for Specialized Skill Sets

Each company's needs are different, and so are the required skills. You need people who can handle a variety of projects over time. But what if you only need someone for a specific task, like CPQ Cloud, for a couple of months? What do you do with them once the project ends?

That's where freelance offshore Salesforce Engineers come in. They're perfect for short-term gigs. You bring them on board for the specific tasks you need, and once the work is done, you part ways amicably. No long-term commitment, no hassle.


What if you could easily ramp up your Salesforce development team when projects heat up and scale down during slower periods? Hiring offshore Salesforce Engineers makes this possible.

Let’s say your in-house Salesforce team is swamped with strategic projects. You still need someone to handle those incoming requests. Offshore Salesforce Engineers can jump in when the workload spikes and step back when things calm down.

Cost Efficiency of OffShore Salesforce Engineers

By hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers, you can save a lot of money.In the US, a senior Salesforce engineer might charge $120 to $145 per hour. But in India, the rate drops to around $50 to $65 per hour. That's a big difference.

We can match you with high-quality offshore Salesforce Engineers at those rates. Our network of over 3000 vetted Salesforce freelancers come from companies like Accenture, OSF and Deloitte, but at a fraction of the cost. They’ve worked with companies like Deel, Twitter,and Dropbox.  

If you're ready to invest in onboarding offshore Salesforce contractors and setting up the right processes, the cost savings can be huge. Plus, offshore Salesforce Engineers often don't demand the same perks and benefits as onshore ones. Think about the savings on healthcare, retirement plans, and other employee benefits.

Offshore hiring for Salesforce development lets you stretch your budget further, giving you more resources to invest back into your business.

Faster Project Turnaround

When you build a global Salesforce development team with engineers in different time zones, you get a continuous development process. Someone is always working on your project, 24 hours a day. Compare that to hiring Salesforce Engineers in a single time zone, where you only get 8-10 hours of work per day.

This setup means your projects move faster. Companies with global Salesforce Engineers see huge productivity gains and shorter delivery times. Plus, having a round-the-clock team means quicker responses to issues and faster implementation of changes. Your projects stay on track, and deadlines are easier to meet.

Continuous Salesforce Offshore Support

With Salesforce engineers in different time zones, you get 24/7 Salesforce support offshore. There's always someone available to handle issues, answer questions, and keep things running smoothly.

No more waiting for the next business day to solve a problem. Your team can address concerns as they come up, any time of day or night. Round-the-clock Salesforce offshore support keeps your Salesforce operations uninterrupted.

Diverse Perspectives from Offshore Talent

Different Salesforce backgrounds mean different approaches and solutions. Offshore Salesforce Engineers think outside the box because they come from varied cultures and experiences.

They bring unique perspectives that you might not get from a local team. These fresh ideas can help you solve problems more creatively and effectively.

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Challenges Hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers

This strategy offers many benefits, but it does come with challenges. Hiring offshore requires proactive decision-making and careful planning to onboard a global Salesforce development team.

Quality Control

When you hire Salesforce Engineers locally, you often rely on existing networks—colleagues, referrals, friends of friends, professional recommendations. But hiring offshore means stepping into unknown territory. You can’t rely on those same trusted connections.

To make sure you’re getting quality talent, you need a thorough vetting process:

  • Conduct multiple video interviews: Get to know the candidate and their communication skills.
  • Perform technical assessments: Live coding exercises are ideal. Watch how they work and solve problems.
  • Check references: Always follow up on previous references to confirm their skills and reliability.
  • Use reputable hiring platforms: Platforms like FoundHQ often have pre-vetted candidates and can provide additional screening.
  • Implement trial periods: Start with a short-term contract to evaluate their work before committing long-term.

At FoundHQ, we handle all of this when you hire a freelance offshore Salesforce Engineer through FoundHQ. We vet everyone so you don't have to worry about quality control. Our vetting process involves three primary stages:

  1. Soft Skills Assessment: We gauge the candidate's communication style. We're looking for ability to manage day-to-day interaction with clients.
  2. Hard Skills Assessment: Select Salesforce Developers and Architects from our network manage this. They verify the knowledge of the offshore Salesforce Engineer.
  3. Client References: We check client references on every offshore Salesforce Engineer as a final verification.

You can also hire Salesforce Quality Assurance Engineers offshore. Their job is to test and make sure your Salesforce system works correctly without any problems.

Communication Barriers in Offshore Salesforce Support

Language and cultural differences can pose challenges when working with offshore Salesforce support. Misunderstandings can slow down projects and lead to mistakes. It’s important to address these barriers head-on to keep everything running smoothly.

First, maintain clear and consistent communication. Use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time chat and regular video calls to keep everyone on the same page. Encourage open dialogue and make it easy for team members to ask questions and share updates.

Second, invest in cultural training for your team. Understanding cultural nuances can improve collaboration and reduce friction. Simple steps like being aware of different holidays, work habits, and communication styles can make a big difference.

DevOps Process

This is perhaps the most important factor when hiring offshore Salesforce Engineers. With multiple people working on the same codebase, you need solid DevOps processes. The development org can get messy and delay production timelines if you don't have the proper tools, processes, and QA methodology implemented at the start.

Managing Expectations with Offshore Salesforce Engineers

When you start working with offshore Salesforce Engineers, be clear about what you expect.

  • Define the turnaround time for new requests.
  • Decide how often they should attend stand-ups.
  • Specify how much they need to interact with other team members and stakeholders.

Set these expectations upfront to ensure everyone is on the same page. Since they aren’t physically in the office, it's easy for expectations to get misaligned. Clear communication from the start helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps things running smoothly.

Security Concerns

When hiring offshore Salesforce Engineers, data security and privacy are huge. You need to protect your sensitive information.

Start with clear service level agreements (SLAs). These should cover everything from roles and tasks to deadlines and the specific scope of the outsourced work. Make sure your agreements address key issues like hiring, training, conflict resolution, and access control.

How to Find and Hire Offshore Salesforce Engineers

There are still limited options for reliably hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers. Let's discuss how you can make this process smooth and smart.

Top Offshore Locations for Salesforce Engineers

When searching for top-notch Salesforce Engineers, some countries are real hotspots. Latin America and India stand out for their skilled talent and cost-effectiveness.

  • Latin America (Latam): Latam is becoming a go-to for tech talent. Places like Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico have vibrant tech communities. Plus, their time zones align well with the US, making collaboration a breeze.
  • India: India has long been a tech powerhouse. It's packed with skilled Salesforce pros, and the cost savings are huge. You get top-tier talent without breaking the bank.

Want to save time and make sure you’re hiring the best? We've spent 10 years laser-focused on Salesforce talent. Our network of 3500+ Salesforce freelancers is pre-vetted and verified.

Our network of offshore Salesforce Engineers come from big names like Accenture, Deloitte, IBM, Stripe, Uber, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more. With FoundHQ, you’re not just hiring freelancers; you’re getting proven Salesforce experts who can hit the ground running.

FoundHQ - The Best Place to Hire Offshore Salesforce Engineers

FoundHQ connects you with over 3,000 independent Salesforce consultants. The big advantage? We can assemble a custom team based on your needs and budget. Other companies can only offer the consultants they have on staff, which is just a fraction of our network.

Our Hybrid Model:

  • 50% of our freelancers are based in the US, offering over 1,500 pre-vetted consultants.
  • 30% are in South America, giving you access to 900+ pre-vetted consultants.

We have the largest network of Salesforce experts in the world. This means we can serve startups, mid-market, and enterprise organizations with a wide range of Salesforce services.

Getting Started is Easy:

  1. Tell us about your project needs.
  2. Within 24 hours, we match you with 2-3 consultants specifically for your project.
  3. You choose who to interview.
  4. Kick off the project, and we’ll support you every step of the way.

Interested? Click the pop-up on the lower right corner or schedule a call with us. Let’s get your project moving with the best Salesforce talent out there.

Cost of Offshore Salesforce Engineers

When hiring offshore Salesforce Engineers, costs can vary based on their role and experience. Here's a quick overview:

  • Salesforce Administrators typically charge between $85 and $115 per hour. The rate depends on their skills and the scope of your project.
  • Salesforce Developers have rates ranging from $90 to $140 per hour. Mid-level developers usually charge between $90 and $110 per hour. If you need a senior developer with complex skills, expect to pay between $115 and $140 per hour.
  • Salesforce Technical Architects are more expensive, with hourly rates between $160 and $185. Solution architects, who also play a crucial role, typically charge between $130 and $160 per hour. These professionals are essential for larger-scale projects and complex tasks.
  • Salesforce Solution Architects are versatile and beneficial for both startups and enterprises. Their hourly rates range from $130 to $160.
  • Pardot Consultants come in two main types: application-focused and campaign strategists. Their rates generally range from $90 to $120 per hour. However, if you're looking for more advanced skills, the rate can go up to $145 per hour.
  • Marketing Cloud Developers also fall into two categories: application specialists and campaign strategists. Their rates range from $100 to $145 per hour.

How to Evaluate Potential Offshore Salesforce Engineers

Here are some tips to help you assess and select the right candidates. Remember, FoundHQ can handle all of this for you, ensuring you get the best talent for your needs.

Skills Assessment for Salesforce Engineers

When evaluating potential offshore Salesforce Engineers, here are five key skill assessments that cover the essential areas:

  • Technical Knowledge: Assess understanding of Salesforce architecture, including objects, fields, relationships, and metadata. Evaluate proficiency in Salesforce features like workflows, process builder, approval processes, Apex coding, Visualforce development, and Lightning Experience.
  • Integration and Data Management Skills: Test the candidate's ability to integrate Salesforce with external systems using REST, SOAP APIs, and middleware tools like MuleSoft and Informatica. Evaluate their data management skills, including deduplication, import/export, migration, data quality, and validation rules.
  • Problem-Solving and Debugging Abilities: Use scenario-based questions to assess problem-solving abilities within the Salesforce platform.
  • Soft Skills and Continuous Learning: Assess their ability to communicate technical concepts clearly to non-technical stakeholders and evaluate teamwork and collaboration skills.

Salesforce Certification Verification

Here’s how to verify the Salesforce certifications of your offshore employees using and Webassessor.

  • Webassessor is where candidates apply for Salesforce certification exams and track their status. It’s an online credential management system.
  • is their profile on Salesforce’s Trailhead site. This gives you a complete view of their experience and accomplishments within Salesforce communities. They need a Trailhead account to have a Trailblazer profile.

To verify a candidate’s current Salesforce certification status and see if any maintenance is due, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Salesforce Trailhead platform and click on “Verify Credentials.”
  2. Navigate to “Certificate Holders: Check Your Status” and input their Webassessor email address.
  3. Webassessor will show their certification status, including the date earned, certification name, expiration date, and any required maintenance.
  4. Download a PDF copy of the certification for your records.

You don’t have to worry about any of this when hiring offshore Salesforce Engineers through FOundHQ. We thoroughly vet everyone and only match you with Salesforce engineers who are the right fit for your company and project.

Communication Skills

Even the best technical skills won’t matter if they can’t communicate effectively with your team. You can assess those in two ways:

  • Start with video interviews. These give you a sense of how well they explain technical concepts and respond to questions. Pay attention to their clarity, confidence, and ability to convey ideas in a way that's easy to understand.
  • Next, assess their written communication. Ask for sample documentation or previous project reports. Clear, concise writing is crucial, especially when working remotely. Good documentation helps keep everyone on the same page and reduces the risk of errors.

Trial Projects

Trial projects are an awesome way to see if an offshore Salesforce Engineer is the right fit. You get to watch how they handle real tasks, solve problems, and work with your team. It's like a test drive for their skills and fit with your company.

Past Salesforce Experience

Their past experience is a good indicator of how they’ll perform on your team. Look at their past Salesforce experience to get a clear picture of what they can do. Check out the projects they've worked on. See how their experience matches up with what you need.

Don’t just focus on the big names on their resume. Dig into what they actually did on those projects.

Best Practices for Hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers

To get the best offshore Salesforce talent, you need a solid strategy. Here are some best practices to help you make smart hiring decisions.

Detailed Screening Process

The process begins with a recruiter phone screen to check the candidate's availability and work authorization and discuss salary expectations. Next, the hiring manager explores the candidate's experience and motivations, potentially including a small technical question.

The candidate then faces a technical interview with developers or admins to assess their problem-solving skills. This is followed by a design interview to understand their approach to complex scenarios and a non-technical interview to gauge their soft skills and cultural fit. Sometimes, a take-home assignment is included to see how they handle real-world problems.

After these stages, the recruiter discusses a potential offer with the candidate, keeping the conversation open and expressing excitement about the opportunity.

Clear Contracts and Agreements

Agreements set the tone for your working relationship. Make sure everything is spelled out: project scope, deadlines, payment terms, and deliverables. Clarity here avoids misunderstandings down the line.

Include confidentiality clauses to protect your sensitive data. Also, define the process for handling changes or additional work. If things need tweaking, everyone should know how that will be managed. This way, both parties are on the same page from the start.

Regular Communication

Here are some tips to ensure effective communication:

  • Schedule weekly or bi-weekly video calls to discuss progress and address any issues.
  • Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom can keep communication flowing smoothly.
  • Keep records of all decisions, changes, and important discussions. This helps avoid confusion later.
  • Make sure your team feels comfortable asking questions and sharing updates.

Using Project Management Tools

Tools like Jira, Asana, or Trello help keep everyone organized and on the same page. They make it easy to track tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress. Plus, they provide a clear way to share updates and changes.

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Case Studies: Companies Succeeding with Offshore Salesforce Engineers

Offshore talent gives you access to a global pool of experts, which can boost efficiency, cut costs, and help you scale quickly. Let's see how some companies have nailed this approach.

Cargill, a big name in manufacturing, has set up a team of 14 Salesforce pros in India. This team includes Salesforce Engineers, administrators, architects, and business analysts.

ACV’s Experience Hiring Offshore Salesforce Engineers

ACV Auctions, founded in 2014, is a top digital marketplace for buying, selling, and valuing vehicles. After raising $93 million in 2018, ACV needed to grow fast. Salesforce was key to their success, but their team couldn’t keep up with the demand. They needed more developers, and they needed them fast. Plus, they had to keep costs low and stay flexible with contracts.

They teamed up with FoundHQ. The partnership started with an urgent need to replace a senior Salesforce Engineer. FoundHQ quickly presented three candidates. ACV hired a Salesforce Engineer within five days. This success led to a bigger partnership. ACV outlined their needs, and FoundHQ delivered. They found three senior Salesforce Engineers in LATAM and India within 10 days. They also brought on a development lead and a DevOps expert to streamline workflows.

By December 2023, ACV’s offshore team grew to 12, including Salesforce engineers, testers, and technical leads. FoundHQ helped ACV scale efficiently, keep costs down, and stay flexible.

Where You Can Find Offshore Salesforce Engineers

There are some Development Partners that exist with HQ locations in various countries and teams dedicated to recruiting, interviewing, and hiring Salesforce Engineers to put on projects with US companies. Some of these can be good options; however, companies that operate locally are paying in that local currency, which means the Salesforce Engineers they hire tend to be junior.

The most experienced Salesforce Engineers are either taking full-time jobs with US companies, or freelancing directly with US-based companies, both of which offer them a significant increase in earnings compared to joining a company headquartered in their region.

For that reason, the best option is to build a direct relationship with these Salesforce Engineers.

This is where some of the risk comes into play if you don't have an intermediary helping to vet the talent and guarantee reliability.

FAQ About Offshore Salesforce Engineers

How can I integrate offshore Salesforce Engineers into my existing team effectively?

Pair offshore Salesforce Engineers with a mentor from your in-house team. This helps them get up to speed quickly.

What are the legal considerations when hiring offshore Salesforce Engineers?

Hiring offshore is similar to hiring any other subcontractor. When you hire offshore Salesforce Engineers through FoundHQ, you pay FoundHQ, an American company, and we handle all the payroll and legal considerations for you.

How can I manage time zone differences when working with offshore Salesforce Engineers?

Manage time zone differences by working asynchronously. Use project management tools to track tasks and progress, and set up clear communication channels for updates and questions.

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